Product Description
6" ABBOTT American Standard Tongue & Groove Medium Duty Aluminum Pie Jaws TG6MDP
Pie jaws are used for round and thin wall parts where pressure is applied around the entire part I.D. & O.D.
For: Atlas, Berman, Bison, Buck, BTC, Cushmen, Gator, PhaseII, Rohm, Forkhardt, PBA, Pratt Burnerd America, Strong, SCA, S.P., W&S, Nobel & Yuasa
"Why WRESTLE with those Hard to Handle Chucking Problems... USE "PIE JAWS" Aluminum CHUCK Jaws"
Made In The U.S.A
Cast Iron and Steel available
At your request an Ajax Chuck & Jaw Technician can assest in selection of the proper Jaws to fit your application. Ajax sales and service 1 (800) 543-5998
Overall Height (Inch) 2
Groove Width (Decimal Inch) 0.3130
Center Distance Between Mount Holes (Decimal Inch) 1.500
Fastener Size (Decimal Inch) 3/8
Tongue Width (Decimal Inch) 0.500
Diameter (Inch) 6
Material Grade 319 Aluminum
Pie jaws are used for round and thin wall parts where pressure is applied around the entire part I.D. & O.D.
For: Atlas, Berman, Bison, Buck, BTC, Cushmen, Gator, PhaseII, Rohm, Forkhardt, PBA, Pratt Burnerd America, Strong, SCA, S.P., W&S, Nobel & Yuasa
"Why WRESTLE with those Hard to Handle Chucking Problems... USE "PIE JAWS" Aluminum CHUCK Jaws"
Made In The U.S.A
Cast Iron and Steel available
At your request an Ajax Chuck & Jaw Technician can assest in selection of the proper Jaws to fit your application. Ajax sales and service 1 (800) 543-5998
Overall Height (Inch) 2
Groove Width (Decimal Inch) 0.3130
Center Distance Between Mount Holes (Decimal Inch) 1.500
Fastener Size (Decimal Inch) 3/8
Tongue Width (Decimal Inch) 0.500
Diameter (Inch) 6
Material Grade 319 Aluminum